Simply click on the item you want and pop your postcode in the box on the right-hand side. We can then let you know if the product is in stock, and available for home delivery or collection from your nearest store.
If the product you want isn't available at your chosen store but we have stock available to move, we'll let you know when we could get it there for you. We'll also show you the closest stores, whether they have your item in stock or how quickly we can get it there.
Some items are available for delivery only and you'll be advised of this when you add an item to your trolley.
Top tip: Ordering online? If you stay logged in, we'll remember your last store so you'll know as you shop if your things are in stock.
You can check either on the page of your chosen item or once you've added it to the Trolley.
Just enter a town/postcode and select your nearest store to see if it's in stock there or see if we can deliver it to you.
You must have all items either delivered or collected on the same order, we're unable to split this.
These handy, on-screen icons will tell you immediately if your item is in stock near you…Your item is in your selected store right now.
You can reserve your item by paying online for store collection. Once you've paid, it'll secure your item and we'll keep it in-store for 7 days.Your item isn't currently in this store, but we can move it into that store, for you to buy and collect that very same day.
Your item isn't currently in this store, but we can get it here for you. We'll tell you the earliest date it'll be available in-store, either to buy or collect.
Your item is currently out of stock in this store. Why not try another store nearby or see if we could deliver it to you the same day?
By 'store', we mean everywhere apart from collection points in non-Argos stores such as Sainsbury's.
There are several ways to check if your item is in stock in our store:
Touchscreen tablet
Find the item you want by searching with a keyword, entering a product number or browsing a relevant category. Then you'll be able to see if your item is in stock at your chosen store, other nearby store, or opt for home delivery if you prefer.
Touchscreen stock-checker
Find the item you want by searching with a keyword, entering a product number or browsing a relevant category. Then you'll be told how many are in stock. If your item is out of stock and can be ordered in for you, you'll be shown how quickly we can get it to your selected store.
Basic checker
If your store has one of these, just enter the relevant catalogue number. Then you'll be told the quantity of your chosen item in stock in that store.
If your store has one of these, just enter the relevant catalogue number when asked.