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How can I check the balance on my Argos Gift Card or eGift Card?

To check your gift card balance, you can head to 'Your Account' at Once logged in click on the Gift Cards from here you can check your balance.

If your Argos Gift Card or eGift Card does not start with 10000 you can also register it here. This facility will allow you to view your balance and transactions history. If you have already registered click here to log into your account. Once you register your card, you can check your balance view your transaction history and block your card if it's lost or stolen.

Your eGift Card balance automatically updates three times a day. Keep track of your balance by re-opening the eGift Card via the link we've sent you or refresh the page in your browser after using your eGift Card in-store or online. If your balance doesn't look up to date, please try again later or check your balance at This applies to Argos eGift Cards in your Apple digital wallet too.

Alternatively, if you're popping into a store, you can take your Gift Card or eGift Card to a till point and one of our colleagues can check the balance for you.

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