If you've changed your mind and need to return an item, you have 30 days from the date of collection or delivery date to return your item(s).
Small home delivered items can be returned to an Argos store, or you can contact us via live chat, to arrange an exchange or collection.
For large home delivered items, the quickest way to arrange a return is by live chatting us, as we're unable to accept large item returns in our stores. Click here to head to our contact us page, and we can arrange for a free of charge exchange or collection. Live chat is available from 7am until 10pm, 7 days a week.
If you'd like to return a Made to order furniture item once it's been successfully delivered, a non-refundable charge of £25 will be applied, unless the product is faulty. Click here for more information on returns.
Please select the relevant options below, to see your available ways to return.