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How do I cancel my order?

You can cancel some orders in the recent orders section of Your Account.

Step 1
Log into your account on the website and click on the recent orders tab.

Step 2
Locate the order you want to cancel and click on view order details.

Step 3
A cancel order link will be visible, if you are able to cancel the order

Please note, if you are wanting to cancel an order using our Argos app this will show as a "Cancel My Order" button at the bottom of the page on the order history section of the app, if this is able to be cancelled.

Tu clothing order
If you've changed your mind about a Tu Clothing in-store collection, don't worry, just allow the order to expire (i.e. don't collect the parcel) and we'll process your refund after the collection window has lapsed. Alternatively, for a home delivery, when the order arrives just tell the courier you're declining the parcel - they'll take it back and we'll process your refund.

Cancelling orders being collected from a Sainsbury's
It's currently not possible to cancel orders being collected from a collection point in Sainsbury's. You can either collect your order from Sainsbury's and return it to that collection point, or, allow your order to expire (i.e. don't collect the parcel) and we'll process your refund after the collection window has lapsed.

Ordered using an Argos Monthly Payment Plan?
You have 14 days from the day following the date we enter into this agreement with you to cancel your Argos Monthly Payment Plan (MPP). You do not need to give us any reason, but you do need to notify us by calling 0345 600 2317, or writing to us at Argos Financial Services, PO Box 5241, Worthing, BN11 9NN.

If you cancel your order, we will credit, close and cancel your Argos Monthly Payment Plan within 3 working days of your order being cancelled. You will then receive a letter to confirm this within 5 working days. If you haven't received this, please contact us on 0345 600 2317.

Please don't cancel your Direct Debit. You need to keep making payments until your refund is actioned or you may miss a payment and incur late payment charges or fees. This could also impact your credit rating meaning you could find it harder to get credit in the future. Check your credit agreement for more details on this.

If you need any further help cancelling a home delivery order, or you're unable to do this in your My Account, get in touch with one of our colleagues who'll be happy to help.

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